If you choose to drink, say No to driving. Film Case study
Category: FilmSocial MediaCampaignConceptIdentity
If you choose to drink, say No to driving.
Up to 1/3 of fatal crashes are caused by drink driving, and young people are the most at risk.
We need to raise awareness amongst young adults on the dangers of drink-driving and promote a change in behavior. That’s why the Automobile Association of Vietnam, and APISWA, along with the F.I.A, have united over 20 partners from the government, public, and private sectors to bring an impactful campaign to six countries: Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The campaign spreads awareness to young adults across Southeast Asia. The ‘Power of No’ was launched in March 2022. And the first 6 weeks of the campaign were a success. Our commercial featuring “Everyday choices between drinking or driving” was adapted into 6 languages and sponsored on social media. Over 23 million people checked out “The Power of No” on Facebook. This includes high engagement on each country’s campaign Facebook page, with posts in local languages spreading knowledge and behavior change to almost 5 million people, resulting in over 350,000 likes, comments, shares, and clicks.